
We’ve selected these Blindmath Gems on the basis of our experiences. We looked primarily for threads that contained elements of clear thinking and exceptional writing. We were also motivated by discussions of alternative and contrarian view points that did not lead to flaming and did not include the use of profanity.
We emphasize again that the selection of threads in this first iteration of BlindMath Gems was not made in consultation with anyone else. To further improve this resource and to ensure it meets the needs of the intended audience, we would like to receive your reactions to our selections, especially with suggestions for other materials that should be included here. It’s quite possible that what readers have in mind has yet to appear on the Blindmath listserv. Hopefully, this will encourage you to submit your own material to Blindmath.
We’d like to know if you think that there are additional materials that should be written especially for Blindmath Gems. For example, we’ve given some thought to writing a basic glossary of some of the terms that occur in these pages.
We’re looking forward to your responses. Please send them to us at
Thank you in advance for your interest and support.

Al Maneki

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